


Political Ideologies in the 21st Century

A comprehensive look at political ideologies in the 21st century. We compare and contrast different ideologies and their influence on contemporary politics.We compare and contrast different ideologies and their influence … Read more


The Role of Media in Politics

This post explores the role of media in politics, highlighting how media shapes public opinion and influences political outcomes.


Global Political Shifts

An analysis of global political shifts and their impact on international relations. We discuss the rise of new political powers and the decline of old ones.


Election Reform: Necessary Changes

This article examines the necessary changes needed for election reform. We delve into the various proposals and their potential impact on the political landscape.


The Future of Democracy

In this post, we explore the future of democracy in the modern world. We discuss various political theories and their implications on democratic systems.


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Der Verband der Schweizer Studierendenschaften (VSS) setzt sich für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter beim gleichberechtigten Zugang zur Hochschulbildung ein. Deswegen teilt der VSS die Forderungen


Boosting Productivity with SimpliCloud

Discover practical ways SimpliCloud can streamline your operations and increase team efficiency.


5 Tips for Seamless Software Integration

Master the art of integrating new software into your existing ecosystem with ease.


The Future of Work: Embracing Cloud Solutions

Explore how cloud technology is reshaping businesses, enhancing flexibility and connectivity.

Informationen für Medienschaffende

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Co-Präsidium des VSS

Nadège Widmer
+41 79 290 68 51

Gazmendi Noli
+41 76 675 22 10


Luzian Franzini
+41 31 382 11 71
+41 79 781 77 36

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